TR500 Matrix is a crosscut saw electronically pusher-controlled with complete optimisation and defection of wood. An optimal solution for all 90° up-cutting requirements, it can work with either single bars or packs. The push-feed is built with a rack and pinion feed system and brushless motor to ensure uncompromised positioning and maximum cutting accuracy. The software architecture relies on an electronic programmer with a high-resolution 12’ touch-screen monitor, simple and intuitive graphic interface with Linux operating system. The cutting lists can be created directly on the software on board the machine or imported via connection to Ethernet or USB network ports. The software allows automatic optimisation of the cutting list to reduce waste and optimise the machining process according to 6 criteria: maximum length, minimum waste, sequence, table sequence, volume and priority. A photocell allows automatic measurement of the workpiece to be cut (OPTI function). A second photocell detects fluorescent marks for the elimination of knots and defects (OPTI PLUS function). Possibility of integrating label and ink-jet printers to the cutting line. Automatic loading and unloading systems can be implemented on request. Clear choices for complex solutions.
Rack ad Pinion and Brushless motor
Automatic loader with chain loading system. Automatic sorting unit with belt, pneumatic kickers and stacking idle rollers table.
TR601 MXA - TR601F MXA
TR601 MX - TR601F MX
TR 600 Matrix
Fast 500 Matrix
TR 500F Matrix
TR 450 Matrix